School Marketing Communications for Oaktree Primary School

December 16, 2016 / blog / Comments (0)

School Marketing communications for Client: SEED Group

Launching a new primary school in an increasingly competitive market, Sandpaper were tasked with providing full service creative agency support with professional School Marketing Communications. The 360 communications strategy included logo identity + guidelines, online and press advertising, event and promotional collateral. The support also included building a (multi-channel) social media community and SEO of the Oaktree name into the top 5 google listing. The school marketing communications strategy has helped build brand awareness of Oaktree which is a new school entry into Dubai and has helped it gain a competitive SERP ranking and establish itself with a solid online presence. The guidelines created provided templates for future communications in-bound marketing (such as social media templates, blog guidelines, SEO advice) also for out-bound marketing  (paid media) OOH, Press, Ground campaigns template were all produced for future School Marketing communications. Oaktree have now established itself as a first rate primary school in the community helped in part by strong ongoing school marketing communications. Sandpaper’s supported the initial set-up  pre-launch, Launch and post launch phases of Oaktree primary school and in it’s second year of operation were able to hand over the School Marketing Communications role to several designated staff members. The brand guidelines (visual standards) that were created enable the transition to in-house operations to be easer avoiding the need to contact the agency each time a query arises. The School now can maintain it’s position as a first rate community school and promoting this achievement by ongoing activities to build their online brand presence.

School Marketing Communications

Tags:blog articles on private school marketing


peter caush

Director The School Agency